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What to Expect when You Visit San Manuel Church of Christ


We are committed to Spirit-filled lives of Bible study, praising God in song, prayer, daily acts of service and fellowship with one another – all in worship of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. You will be greeted with a smile and a warm welcome to our assemblies.



In our assemblies you can expect heartfelt, a capella singing by all in attendance. We sing a mixture of contemporary songs of praise as well as classic Christian hymns. Please grab a song book and join us in praising God in this way!



We offer regular public prayers in praise of God’s great worth, calling for His healing of the sick and help for those in need, and expressing our daily reliance on His grace.



We read publicly from the Bible. Hearing from God’s word informs and directs every part of our lives.


Lord’s Supper

We observe the Lord’s Supper every week during our Sunday assemblies, keeping us focused on the finished work of Jesus – the lamb of God sacrificed for all our sins.



As we read in the New Testament, it is our practice to immediately baptize all who confess Jesus as the son of God, who is the sacrificial lamb who redeems us from our sin.  Baptism is a symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches we are saved by grace through faith. We believe baptism is the point at which grace and faith meet, resulting in remission of sin, a new life in Christ and a new relationship with God.


Bible Study

We offer Bible classes during our Sunday morning and Sunday evening meeting times. Please come study God’s word with us.



Following in the footsteps of Jesus Himself, we are interested in the physical and spiritual needs of each other, our visitors, and our community. We believe acts of service to others is God’s way of pointing people to their ultimate need for Him. Let us know how we can help you or come join us in reaching out to all with the love of God.


Come as You Are

God places no restrictions on dress except modesty in our apparel. At our assemblies you will find some people in suits and ties and others in jeans and tennis shoes. We invite you to worship God with us and don’t want anyone to feel intimidated or unwelcome.



We take up a weekly contribution from our members. WE DO NOT ASK VISITORS FOR MONEY! The money we collect is used for paying our evangelist, for keeping the lights on, for supporting preachers in other parts of the world, and for meeting special needs of God’s people.


Join Us

We hope you will join us any time we assemble. If we can answer more questions about the good news of Jesus Christ or about the local church at San Manuel, please contact us at 520-248-1744.

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